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Recovery and Renewal Retreats for Veterans


Rooted Within serves female veterans who are committed

to their full recovery from stressful and/or traumatic experiences. 

Our programs are nourishing, educational, healing, and provide a peaceful and supportive

natural environment for women veterans to learn tools for holistic recovery

from PTSD, MST, and chronic stress. 


Reintegration and a feeling of wholeness happen alongside others with similar military experiences,

re-orienting towards a fulfilling life of ease and satisfaction. 


We have a history dedicated to female veterans

Rooted Within (previously known as CenterPoint Retreats) offers multi-day retreat-style programs,

based on a model of experiential, body-centred, trauma-informed, mindfulness, and relational healing.

Since 2011, this program has served over 400 women veterans, with the majority reporting

statistically significant and personally impactful increases in general well-being,

and a reduction in PTSD and stress symptoms as a result of participation in a retreat.


These retreats were previously funded by the DOVA and were entirely free of charge for eligible veterans.

We Believe

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...Rooted Within each person is a

natural, innate capacity

to heal and find balance.


...Female Veterans are inherently strong, compassionate, resourceful, and capable of full recovery from

stressful or traumatic experiences.


...In the same way that a stressful and traumatic experience can have a lasting impact on one’s life,

a deeply positive experience

of safety, connection, and nourishment

can also have a lifelong impact. 


In the Words of Veterans
on Rooted Within Retreats:

“I am not alone. I am valuable.
There are methods I can do when I get triggered. I have feelings of belonging.”

"I learned what love and support looks
and feels like, how to be in control of myself even when life feels out of control.
I learned that I matter. 
What’s inside of me is beautiful and strong. I got this! I got me!" 

“I learned that I can be stable
when my environment may not be.”

“I learned to be vulnerable,

to open my heart, to enjoy having fun...

I wish I’d known about this kind of immersive therapy back in 2008 when

I returned from Iraq. If I had I would not have spent years re-living trauma and in depression.”

“I found my voice again and

I learned to set my boundaries again.”

“I learned my Self is enough.

That what was taken from me was nothing but an attempt of control. I am strong enough.

I can save myself. I am enough.” 

Upcoming Retreats

We will list upcoming retreats as soon as they are available.

Click here for the packet information and application.


Recovery & Renewal Retreats for Veterans
326 Pearl St, Fort Collins CO 80521
Tiffany Higgins, Director
970 556 8187

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