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Online Resource Links for Women Veterans

After Deployment:  Resources for wellness.

A Guide to Sleeping Better:  Sleep Easily method. Audios (CDs) and articles on site.

Center for Women Veterans:  VA programs and services for women vets.

Even Pulse: Applied Resilience training and support.

Grace After Fire:  Discussion forum and resources for women vets.

Heartmath BioFeedback:  More about heart rate variability, biofeedback, and how to live in ease.

National Alliance of Women Veterans:  Advocacy, networking, and support to women veterans. Information on legislation and policies relating to women veterans and in particular a focus on women who are victims of military sexual assault.

OutServe:  An excellent site and organization for lesbian and gay service members and veterans, their allies, and those interested in the transition from Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. News and networking. Wellness, PTSD, and Recovery.

Real Warriors:  An initiative launched by the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE) to promote the processes of building resilience, facilitating recovery, and supporting the reintegration of returning service members, veterans and their families.

SWAN:  Founded by women veterans. A pro-military, non-partisan advocacy organization dedicated to equality for military women. "It is our vision to transform military culture by securing equal opportunity and the freedom to serve in uniform without the threat of harassment, discrimination, intimidation, or assault. SWAN also seeks to reform veterans’ services on a national scale to guarantee equal access to quality health care, benefits, and resources for women veterans and their families.”

Veterans and Mesothelioma: Online Cancer Support and Financial Assistance for Veterans

"One of the most comprehensive online resources on mesothelioma, a cancer caused by asbestos exposure. Providing veterans with treatment information, 24/7 online support, financial aid, and much more."



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